It's been a difficult couple of months for me, which means that my blog has sat unloved for a while - but when I don't have the motivation to write, there's really no point forcing it. Instead, I've just been focusing on myself - seeing my friends, having fun and taking some time to have a personal status check. Sometimes life gives you lemons, and it's important to take a step back to try and make some lemonade. 

Instead of focusing on the details, I thought I'd just look forward and share the things that are putting a smile on my face at the moment, and what I'm looking forward to in the next couple of months. 

Unequivocally my favourite season, I'm counting down the days until it really hits us. Whilst I love warm days and sunny evenings where daylight lasts late into the night, I feel most happy from late September until the run up to Christmas where everything is cosy, festive and there's a feeling of excitement in the air. Bring on the candles and winter coats. 

Winter Breaks
As I missed my summer holiday this year, I'm hoping to visit my friend in Malta next month for a last minute nod to the sunshine and to add some colour to my skin before I gear up fully for the colder months. 

Whilst taking time out was exactly what I needed, I missed blogging. When you've done something for over 3 years it feels like it's a part of you and so I was always conscious that I wasn't doing it. I need to make sure I get organised so I don't go so long between posts, but I'm hoping I can get back into some sort of routine over the next couple of weeks so that I'm still creating content and doing what I love. 

Seeing my friends gives me the fullest heart and I've been so lucky to have such a lovely bunch around me. These past few months have been stressful but I've been so lucky to have some of the best people I could ask for around me - keeping me smiling, uplifted and looking forward for what's to come next. I want to focus on giving some of what they've given me, back to them. 

What are you looking forward to?