This weekend has been the perfect balance of fun and relaxation. Friday night was spent chilling out - blogging, bath time and an early night. On Saturday I went to Brixton Village with my friend and experienced Honest Burgers for the first time (more on this triumph below) and in the evening I went out with some of my netball team. I've woken up this morning not only deeply hungover, but with a sore throat, and I think I have finally succumbed to illness having managed to avoid the winter bugs to date. Damn. 

My week's greatest discovery, was OPI RapiDry Top Coat. I have rubbish nails, always have and probably always will. I was a nail biter as a youth, and as an adult I've been a fairly regular acrylic nail wearer. This has left me with badly shaped, thin and weak nails. Now that I play netball, I'm not allowed acrylic nails so I'm having to work with what my mama gave me, and that means I've had to go back to painting them myself, something which I hate doing. I find this such a loathsome task because I can NEVER manage not to smudge my nails before they're dry.

Having discovered OPI RapiDry, painting my nails has become what I've always wanted it to be - a pleasure. 

After painting my nails with two coats of my nail varnish of choice, and waiting around 90 seconds for it to part dry, I popped the RapiDry over the top. Instructions suggest waiting 5 minutes for the RapiDry to fully dry your nails, but I found in about 3 minutes I was completely dry (this was using a BarryM polish, other polishes may vary) - for me, that's completely genius. The other benefit, was the lovely gloss finish it provides - two birds, one stone. 

At £13.25 from Boots, this isn't the cheapest of polishes around, but I personally think the price is warranted. It's going to last me a while and anything that makes painting my nails the enjoyable task I've always wanted it to be, get's my vote.


On another note, Honest Burgers (Brixton Village/Soho) is a great London burger restaurant that gets my recommendation. Their burgers were juicy and full of flavour and their house chips with rosemary salt were the stars of the show. They don't take bookings however, and are very popular so I'd recommend some strategic pre-planning if you want to go. 

What did you get up to this weekend?